18 Following

Rowena's Reviews

My true loves: Wilkie Collins, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Anais Nin, George Eliot, James Joyce, James Baldwin, George Orwell, Oscar Wilde, bell hooks, Chinua Achebe, Langston Hughes, William Shakespeare... I'm falling for : Italo Calvino, Toni Morrison, Frantz Fanon, Wole Soyinka, Ralph Ellison, Zora Neale Hurston, Albert Camus, Margaret Atwood, Somerset Maugham, Junot Diaz, A.S. Byatt... And the lists continue to grow! I will read almost anything, as long as it's well-written. I always love to expand my reading horizons.

Currently reading

Edward W. Said
Infinite Jest
David Foster Wallace
Finnegans Wake (Trade Paperback)
James Joyce
The Sandman, Vol. 10: The Wake - Charles Vess, Michael Zulli, Mikal Gilmore, Jon J. Muth, Neil Gaiman I thoroughly enjoyed this series and I'm quite sad that it's over.I've been reading the books since September and I've never read such creative, interesting, philosophical graphic novels with such great characters. It was interesting to see all the stories come together in the end.